These days alightly more sophisticated vibe in the air such as colorful Neptune full of dreams injecting Mars in Pisces that holds a pretty sensitive drive for handling the gaming of Venus in Gemini that still in retro mode calls for the ultimate dealing with burning issues for some time bringing about a resolution up to 25th June. The time is right more than ever to birn that match and spark the fire of your love life with all the colors of the rainbow. In soite of global darkness let there be light of fire and let there be colors of dreamy Neptune that leads you to realization of your best self i.e your only reality. Create a few sparks so that the fireworks might lit the sky after 25th June when things should be on pretty much clear ground to start fresh. With flying colors.
#marsinpisces #marsconjunctneptune #dlyingcolors #dreams #reality #sparks -#fire #fireworks #supreme -#sophisticated #ultimatelove #lovesupreme #highesthigh #gethigher #absolutelove #idealism #fullglownoflawfoundation