Category Archives: Books

Edicija “Astrologija i Samousavršavanje”

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Astrologija i Samousavršavanje – Tragom Psihološke Astrologije je izdanje iz 2011. na srpskom jeziku i  predstavlja kompilaciju objavljenog materijala u časopisu Astrologos.  Zvanično u prodaji u svim knjižarama kao i online na stranici O knjizi su izjavili:

”Uprkos činjenici da je psihološka astrologija nastala pre više decenija, zahvaljujući autorima kao što su Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas, Stephen Arroyo i drugi, još uvek nemamo puno autora u ovoj oblasti. Bojana Sretenovic je svetao primer koji nam pokazuje da istraživanje u toj oblasti pruža neke nove pozitivne uvide. Iako bi istraživanje moglo ići dalje u dubinu ( mada bi to svakako bilo ograničeno obimom knjige) – autorka nam pokazuje da to zasigurno može da uradi – istraživanje predstavlja smernice za dalje kvalitativno pisanje i dubinsko istraživanje. Hvala Bojana i nemoj se zaustaviti na tome.”

Matjaž Regovec, Jungovski psihoanalitičar i analitički psiholog pri IPAL ( Institut za psihološku astrologiju i psihoanalizu u Ljubljani)

”Astrologija i Samousavršavanje, Tragom psihološke astrologije je zbirka tekstova koja je očekivano sabrana u knjigu. Autorkin prikaz uticaja tranzitnog Saturna kroz polja Zodijaka je izazvao veliku pažnju čitalaca časopisa Astrologos u kome su tekstovi objavljivani. Opisi unutrašnjih procesa u svakome od nas kada Saturn vrši svoju misiju u nekoj oblasti života pozivaju na samopreispitivanje a time i na prihvatanje ponudjenog načina razrešenja. U knjizi se nalaze i studije o drugim astrološkim fenomenima koji su oduvek izazivali veliku pažnju – astrološka tajna ljubavi, inteligencije, bogatsva… Bićete zadovoljni ovom knjigom koju toplo preporučujem.

Urednica magazina Astrologos, Bojana Nenadić

Astrology and Self-Improvement, Psychological Astrology Research

Astrology and Self-Improvement
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“Despite some decades since psychological astrology was born through Liz Greene, Howard Sasportas, Stephen Arroyo and others, we still do not see many new authors in the field… Bojana Sretenovic is a bright example, showing us that research in this field can show some positive new insights. Although it could go somewhat more in depth (albeit that would probably be limited by the scope of the book anyway) – the authoress showing she can surely do it – it presents guidelines for further qualitative writing and further in-depth exploration. Thank you, Bojana, and please do not stop now.”

Matjaz Regovec, Jungian analyst and analytical psychologist at IPAL (Institute for Psychological Astrology and Psychoanalysis Ljubljana)

“Astrology and Self-Improvement , Psychological Astrology Research is a set of articles expectedly compiled in a book. The author’s overview of the Saturn transit through the houses of Zodiac has aroused great attention of the readers of “Astrologos” magazine, where the articles were published. The descriptions  of the internal processes in each and every one of us, when Saturn conveys its mission in some area of life, call for self-examination and thus for the offered way of resolution.  There are various studies of popular astrological phenomena in the book that have always been arousing attention – the astrological secret of love, intelligence, wealth…You will be fully contented with this book that I am pleased to recommend.”

The Editor of “Astrologos” magazine : Bojana Nenadic


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William Blake, Dichotomy of Existence in Songs of Innocence vs Songs of Experience

Wiliam Blake cove
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This book represents a profound and exuberant outlook on the most popular book of poetry by William Blake, “Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience” with strong emphasis on the central images of both perspectives of this ingenious author. Namely, in the base of ingenious point of view is exactly the dichotomy perfectly depicted by essentially representative imagery of William Blake. In the contents you will see that the book contains general overview of Georgean England and the literary climate of the time along with the social, political and religious implications as well as many quotations and observations of well-known critics. William Blake was an author much ahead of his time and has remained to be the pearl in the necklace of English literature as a figure with striking purity, wisdom and piety so rare in the contemporary world. The book calls for awakening of the human spirit as a treasury of poetical images such as of this great author , widely cited and cherished by so many contemporary artists and ordinary people although often in misplaced context. As a great admirer of his work I invite all the readers to grasp the essence of his angelic point of view and wisdom universal for all times.

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