Jupiter in Gemini – Light Years
The upcoming transit of Jupiter in Gemini brings the light-hearted relief, boost of communication, travels and general benevolence of spirit. All of us might feel positivity, comfort or have rather good news in the months ahead regarding the field of relevance in the natal chart. Rather practical solutions, discoveries, inventions or writings of importance take place enough to make the world a better place. General energy is straightforward in the flow of major revelations whereupon the world is set out to learn everything all over again basically thus gaining the same wisdom recently shaken but not stirred. As soon as we get out of the swamp of Saturn in Pisces the world might seem to have the fresh outlook on the perspective of long begotten dreams and accomplishments to this point. Altogether this year and the next might live to be the light years.
#jupiteringemini #jupiter #gemini
Category Archives: Blog
Solar Eclipse in Aries – Identity Check
Solar Eclipse in Aries – Identity Check
The upcoming Eclipse in Aries might tackle identity issues and bring about general shift of perspective and comprehension of the contemporary man. With respect to what is most important for well-being and self-maintenance of the modern civilization the utmost key issue of deliverance from evil and salvation of the world brings about new solutions to implement in the process of self-improvement. Major shift of consciousness and the shift of trend in the next six months evoke identity issue on the individual level as being predominant and essential for any undertaking and in the light of presence we witness the general crisis of sustainability of proven and established heritage of civilization whereupon the only practical solution would be the self-examination and self- improvement to a point of raising the collective vibration thus creating the new world Man who would work for benefit of mankind by providing example first and utmost. This might take decades to accomplish yet it would be the solution that brings sucess and happiness on a global scale. This Solar Eclipse would be that turning point towards this new era.
- #solareclipse #solareclipseinaries #theeclipse #theeclipse2024 #eclipse2024
Lunar Eclipse in Libra – Clear the Way to Happiness
Lunar Eclipse in Libra – on 25th of March we are having a Lunar Eclipse as a sort of overturn and major shift in perception of interpersonal relations, relationship dynamics and socializing in general whereupon the fixations, eagerness and pathology of the past reach the point of overturn into a clear vision of realistic lowdown of how things have to change within ourselves in order to build up solid foundations on social background for entire x generation having Pluto around the same degrees of the Eclipse. It’s the moment of reaching the point blank in further undertaking whereupon the all so very needed shift takes place to clear out the way. Only the substantial quality, pure inrentions and true love makes the transition into a much more relieved and relaxed ongoing development thus keeping the flame alive deprived of fears, fixations and pathology. Until the next Solar Eclipse in Aries on 8th of April when the identity issues should be cleared out and glowing in front of ourselves as well as people in general. The entire process would be a sort of swimming out of the matrix, realizing one’s own true self, liberation from the shadow thus building a healthy ego that withstands the test of time. Keep the dignity in the process and embrace this Full Moon as a guideline for a better future, successful relations and happiness.
The Year of the Dragon – Flying Mode
The 10th February marks the beginning of the New Year of the Dragon thus bringing additional speed into our lives altogether with Pluto in Aquarius already speeding up areas in its rulership in the natal chart.
Life might as well become progressively improving with brimming new ideas, discoveries and lucid conprehension. You might as well have noticed your mind works more open-minded and more intelligent recently and this trend might continue to enhance the Brain Power.
The substantial amount of luck strikes the brave, the prepared and worthy of this Celestial blessing of good luck. In the far East the wise consider the Year of Dragon the best for a baby to be born at for it generally means a happy life in the prospect. This Bona Fortuna and La Dolce Vita of Dragons refers mostly to a jack-of-all-trades kind of individuality for it is being known Dragon represents the Altogetherness of nature and that is why it has been celebrated as the most important symbol.
It practically means a lot of opportunities in the lives of all the people who have a good luck of being able to improve life standard and general well-being. The Fierce Dragon however brings fast and fierce energy in every-day Earthly matters thus making the world frequency edgy enough in the battle for survival.
Tough turnovers and the roller-coaster of amplitudes to the norm altogether with Pluto in Aquarius seeks independence and freedom of minds therefore lives of people who want their piece of cake. Good news is there should be a chance to get it somewhere in the variety of life yet the conflicting interests might provoke a havoc and distress in contrast with the lullying Year if the Cat.
Now, everybody wants to be in the frontline in one’s own life and the New Age should bring open mind and learned lessons of the past heading into the future of choices to be made with full responsibility. Days, Months fly irrevocably and we’d better be flying aling with it.
The Universal standards are forging the path towards contemporary concepts within the realms of Technocracy. Our task would be to implement them for general improvement, well-being and salvation of mankind.
#yearofthedragon #dragon #newage #woodendragon #flyingdragon
Full Moon in Leo – Howling to the Moon
The first Full Moon of 2004 occurs on 25th Jan in the sign of Leo. This Wolf Full Moon will provide the sense of accomplishment, boldness, independence and endless creativity. Make sure you realize your thing and keep up thw good work until you get where you want to be. Ultimate goal realization amd setting up plans of action might as well bear the fruits. Leo is whole-heartedly for all or nothing at all now that Pluto embarks the journey through Aquarius you might figure out game layout of what you want to achieve much more precisely or you moght have a clear outlook on your perpective. Anyhow, set up your own way towards your ultimate aim and embark ona gold rush. You might have clear insights of what it takes and how you will get to the top of mountain where you might as well howl to the Moon.
Pluto in Aquarius – Live Your Freedom
Plluto in Aquarius – Freedom call. Starting from January 20, Pluto is transgressing from the pathology of Capricorn into the liberating Aquarius whereupon we are all being called upon to take back our personal power and step in the new world of individual freedoms to be ourselves with what we have to offer to mankind.
Althought it might be a global rollercoaster of the new Babylon we are challenged to to take on responsibility for our own lives and claim the power to choose life we want to live within the new standards of universality we have to meet by extensive self- improvement, professionalism, liberation, open- mindedness and humanism as the basic necessities of new world with respect to all the standards of perfection known to the world to fulfill the demands of the new age and clear the path for the new man to be born.
The Dragon year lifts the fire of spirit into the realms of unlimited thoughts sparking with great ideas for improving the humanity. It might as well be the time of monsters, still it is the time of geniuses and brilliant minds just as much.
The new technocracy is being called upon to work for the salvation of civilization although everything good in the world has its purpose and its misuse, the measure of man is what to do with it. We pray to God to determine that measure and lead us all into the future of boundless creativity, progress and improvements of malfunctioning operating systems whereupon we are all being called for to understand that we become what we think, we attract what we feel and we create what we imagine.
The individual freedom we are being challenged to embrace based on our personal power is the freedom to express our own true self through what we create in this world thus leaving legacy for future generations and we are all called upon to realize we should live who we really are. This is Pluto’s ultimatum altogether.
Pluto in Aquarius is the great chance of the discovery. The new discoveries are yet be seen. Dragon world will make us work for it and realize what we have is directly proportional to what we invest in ourselves and our well-being. Freedom being the spiritual act, Pluto in Aquarius will have its aim in its realization – live your Freedom.
Last Full Moon of 2023
Last Full Moon of 2023 – thus closing the cycle of the year number 7 of the pretty much roller-coaster dynamics over-shadowed with unpredictability and shifts of trend of 2023 into 2024, the Year of number 8 and the Year of the Dragon.
This altogether inspires us to make a wish and step into our own power to uplift our thoughts, improve our well-being and enrich ourselves with pure energy of timeless soul full of good vibrations reflecting the God’s love protecting us from the snares on every step , embracing us with boldness to step up and really make a difference. We have to believe in the Divine Plan for us and realize the chance offered to us to deliver us from evil after passing a Divine test of humanity, nobility and good reason of civilization nowadays.
Finding peace in our hearts as well as in the world seems to be the most difficult issue due to unsettling battles of the psyche, the soul, heart and the mind of all mankind. For all of us lucky enough, Home-bound, warm and safe, drowsing by the fireplace thus feeling the heart bond that keeps us alive, It’s the mellow moon of awakened instincts, tiresome psyche seeking a rest, experienced enough to find peace in solitude of the 21st C. Home Alone. The holiday season brings us together with our dear family to feel grounded, aware and happy with our accomplishments in spite of the lurking jungle boogie posing the existential threat.
Everything happening in the world teaches us the lesson of Humility and Gratitude. Luckily we have Christmas to live merrily and trust the good vibe coming from above our heads with question marks in the eyes. Soothing soul, finding comfort and releasing from fears with a good angel by our side telling us everything is going to be ok.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Age of Aquarius
Regarding the rotation of the Earth Axis known as the Phenomenon of Precession making the full circle in 25.772 years, the ongoing Age of Pisces is about to clear path and lead us into the Age of Aquarius sometime in 2147 according to the mathematical division into 12 signs of Zodiac relating to the Ecliptic i.e. the path of the Sun and the clickwise rotation of the Earth’s Axis opposite to Earth’s counterclockwise rotation, If we stick to precise 30 degree per sign calculation. These are the first signs of the upcoming era now that Pluto os about to start the transit in Aquarius for the next few dacades. We are rapidly moving into the new era whereupon the Age of Pisces should resolutely resolve the issue of Religion, Faith and God’s will as the most powerful force on Earth and Beyond. After we pass the test as a civilization making our way to God. Meanwhile we will trace the Mysterious Ways.
Solar Eclipse in Libra – Think Justly
In the year of the Cat let the upcoming Solar Eclipse on 14 th and the New Moon make everything you have gained, learned and acquired be of your best judgment for whatever decision you have to make.
The potential turnovers and trend shifts in the next six months might as well surprise you yet they will essentially depend on your sound judgment, your inclination and attitude you are willing to build.
In the overall swamp of Saturn in Pisces keep in mind the backbone of your individuality and the discipline of your stadards with regard to high morality Libra balances on the scales of the right and wrong.
The upcoming Mars in Scorpio will enable you fight your way through the valley of shadows to keep the backbone safe and sound thus providing long term agreements, contracts, firm decisions, solid foundations, establishments and far-reaching choices that might put you on the right track of your life.
Mercury in the Conjunction with the Eclipse will enable you to think thoroughly and cautiously with regards to justice being done in the area of influence in your natal chart. As far as your social background supports the ultimate power demand of Pluto Sqaure in the form of acceptance of the inevitable, you will be able to make the right choice and pull out the safe gateway to success and happiness.
Whatever the case might be, the upcoming Eclipse will tackle the just judgment in all of us to make things right after a long cycle of Retro Grind whereupon everybody revealed the true selves before the eyes of God. Now, Retro Jupiter will allow you to pick up the pieces together in the puzzle of life and endow you with a reward of value in case you play your cards right.
A glass of wine and a cosy lounge with some jazz on would do to get things straight with yourself in the first place and then with everybody else.
#solarecliise #libraeclipse #just #judgment #resolution
Blue Moon in Pisces – Feeling Blue
Blue Moon in Pisces – When reality rings the bell in the form of prevailing emotion thus enabling us to comprehend in silence the realities of our lives. Dive into the sea of the soul to find the truth as a solid base to build upon your dreams. What you know and what you have gained calls for understanding in the higher perspective of what is really going on thus sobering the world of fantasy into a feeling of undeniable, substantial and grounded reality of the soul in the form of experienced hunch and profound sensation of what passed the test of sustainability and grounding in reality. Fantasizing doesn’t seem to be comforting nowadays yet facing with the facts of hard-core truth if not logically at least whole-heartedly. This pearl of wisdom of Blue Moon in Pisces is hidden beneath the remains of the past and provides the guiding light towards the release, putification, washing away with tears of Heavenly comfort that after all the karma cycles everybody finds the right way. For all who already are on the right track this Blue Moon will provide answers from in-depth comprehension , humility, compassion and higher understanding of mysterious ways of God enough to provide disclosure on the most important answers to the question if lessons have been learnef, This Blue Moon is a great opportunity to make peace with yourself, exercize forgiveness and find the pearl of Truth. It’s good to feel blue for it’s where all the wisdom comes from. Seek answers and you shall find. It’s important to figure out what is right thing to do. It’s when God asks – okay how do you feel about your life? And if you deel good does it make you right.