The Self-Improvement of the World


My Book – Astrology and Self-Improvement, Psychological Astrology Research published on and

Namely, Self-Improvement as the most important investment of the civilized world would be the necessity of the modern man to raise awareness, expand the consciousness and liberate from the snares of the “Shadow” always to be purified and upliffed thus brought to consciousness and incorporated into a whole, integrated individuality.

The Individuation process vs individualization would be the psychological process of realization the True Self vs the Projection of the True Self thus requiring Facing the Truth about oneself as the starting point on the way to becoming who you want to be – improved and perfected individual, integrated into a completeness within the energetic metabolism of existence by conjoining the soul, mind, heart and body i.e id, ego and superego into a unique, original Self as well as by liberating from FEARS, COMPLEXES, PREJUDICE, SUFFERING, TRAUMAS, ILLUSIONS, inherited and aqired subconscious pre-conditioning into Freedom of your Life to make the right choices of partners and careers, friends as well as everything you wish for in Life.

First of all, Know Thyself and Know What You Are Doing always and Everywhere. In the words of the Bible – Be Perfect as Thy Father is Perfect.

The variety of Archetypes that provide the mirroring of the soul by education, reflection, thinking through, raising self-awareness and gaining experience ultimately leads to the realization of the most precise truth of KG Jung – Until you make the unconscious -conscious it will govern your life and you will call it Destiny.

Your Matrix would thus be the natural effect of your complete and self-improved, empowered individuality and as much as you get close to God’s Truth, the healthier you would be. You would be at peace with yourself and the entire world. You would be Free and The world would be Free with you.

#selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #happiness #freedom #success

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