12th August and on, Jupiter takes the stage position in Virgo, where it will be transiting for an entire year. Jupiter is the planet of consciousness, expansion, education, bringing forth the best in people for the sake of Godly influence within the world matrix of all the planetary constellations. Times are harsh in the frame of co-existing aspects that evoke the Uranus-Pluto revolution of the „anima mundi“ for the sake of preservation, evolution and salvation with a little step backward of retro Saturn and Pluto to a borderline of passport control. Saturn’s karma is being purified, leveled and the circle is being enclosed sometime November 2015.
However, Jupiter in Virgo brings in the light in a way that the contemporary society has neglected to cherish such as in cultural heritage, professionalism, education for the sake of spiritual preservation. Jupiter in Virgo empowers the cultures of where the cult of Virgin Mary is being largely appreciated thus evoking the „wise passiveness“, in the words of William Wordsworth, setting forth the Beatles’ quote „Let it be“ as the wise advice in order to embrace the God’s will above all in every individual existence. Since the Great Britain is traditionally in the sign of Virgo, Jupiter might empower the quality and the cultural heritage as their contribution to the world.
Virgo is all about the civility, gentlemanhood, culture but most of all reason and sobriety thus raising awareness of all the contemporary issues of the world such as health, environment, diplomacy, service to the community and the quality of life in general. Nevertheless, Virgo stands for the practical solutions of the universal ideas to be implemented in the chain of global evolution of thought, habits and behavior resulting in the enhanced quality of every-day life. Refreshing standards in the direction of the global service and universal purpose should set the new criteria in building professionalism on a worldly level as embracing cultural heritage bringing forth all the classical values that should color the professional life, business, art, fashion, the way of life.
Yes, the gentleman strikes back with the point as the only way classicism has brought about in empowering the common sense as the sobering tendency of the inflated passion and burning revolt. The wise, analytical, rational Virgo might bring about the issues of self-improvement, personal development and spiritual and physical health as the most important issues in growing tendency of neglecting them, reminding all that there are no shortcuts but the constant tendency of hard work, self-examination, introspection, personal and professional improvement as the only way towards the so desired spiritual freedom that should result in more relaxed and purposeful living of contemporary man.
Reaching perfection is not so unattainable so as the world is being reminded of the high quality life, performance and utility standards that has started to diminish during the Pluto in Capricorn transit. Luckily, the higher force makes sure we don’t lose our way to salvation. It is only a matter of finally choosing a side and accepting the benefit or a burden of consequence. Reality might prove you exactly like that and if you feel like being entangled in the realms of a complicated relations or burden of difficult experience from the past, Jupiter again reminds us of personal improvement as the only way of resolving the burning issues.
The house of Virgo represents health so that this issue may take the central stage in every day life, with the returning Saturn in Scorpio until September, long enough to enable us to find the definite way of self-preservation of mainly energy for the sake of well being. What every single one of us should tackle in the year to come is exactly the experience of childhood as the factor of forging a character, when traumas or healthy environment have formed us the way we are today. Psychological, introspective approach individually or maybe engaged in professional psychotherapy might prove the results of liberation from the snares of the sub-coscniousness thus raising awareness and enriching consciousness with new insights. The contents from the subconsciousness might emerge into consciousness well enough to demand the immediate dealing with by means of rationalization, liberation and purification. That seems to be the only way of getting hold of one’s own destiny in a way that provides happiness. Healthy integration and individuation are the most important personal issues for the sake of becoming one’s own original individual that seeks life’s purpose. Careful analysis of all the personal and professional issues might settle the discomfort of difficult experiences we are being forced to deal with up to November. It seems the only way to move on from then on is the grasping the big picture and learning the set of rules that world has imposed, being the lesson of Saturn in Sagittarius for the sake of putting matters where they belong.
Jupiter in Virgo might ennoble the spirit with new insights into personal habits and the way of life with the possible outcome of healthy approach to every day matters, environment, nature, business and professional orientation. Two most important issues of personal development such as right partnerships and professional orientation are being instigated from the perspective of finding true self through the prism of personal growth and personal health.
It is of no accident that the biggest number of billionaires is being born under the sign of Virgo. These people are really know- how in implementing ideas into practical streams of life. This upcoming year might be the best year for launching business particularly for the universal benefit, for building projects for envirnonmental protection, resolving food issues as well as implementing the network of life quality standards that should improve the way of life.
The key issue of this cycle of Jupiter in Virgo is the question of productivity. Namely, the house of Virgo is the area of harvest of all the efforts in the previous cycles of Saturn under horizon so as the reward for all the great work that has been done. However, for all that has been backed out of the streams of professional realization, now might be the time to embark on a right career. For all that have worked their way through at least 12 years of personal and professional development this cycle might bring the final chance for success. By all means, the harvest should be the clearing up the area to the top of the game.
Times has changed, however the demands on a worldly scale are essentially very much the same in a way that only by performing brilliance and utmost professionalism you reach the top. The world is a stage where you have to offer the high-standard quality in order to make the greater contribution and universal purpose. In spite of Capricornian Pluto’s massive consumption and dropping of standards of quality, the task of every individual is to seek and find the personal and professional realization the way God’s will is to do so. Until then, people will be dancing on a tight rope of the danger of losing their way. What it takes is this very cycle of Jupiter to mind us we do our best.
Wisdom, civility and gentlemanhood are coming back as the preservation of good old school incorporated in the perspective of global evolution, progress and modern world. In case we might have forgotten, Culture is the imperative in the year to come as the means of resolving personal and professional issues in a dignified way of awakened, enlightened and educated people in the pursue of worldly success and happiness.
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