Grand Finale 2016 Planetary Overview – Pause and Reflect



After the exhausting Year of 2016 full of surprises, overturns and unexpected twists of events fulfilled with tension, pressure and the air of unpredictability , so typical for the Year of the Monkey, you might have the feeling of being fed up with the „monkey business“ that might have undermined your stability and peace of mind.  These last two weeks before the New Year 2017 and the period up to 28th January is the perfect time to pause and reflect upon the happenings, recharge the batteries and enjoy the holidays.

Namely, Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn and Mars enters Pisces on 19th December enough to enforce you to reconsider your decisions, grasp the reality of your situation and brood on the big picture of your current affairs. Mercury turns direct on 8th January so try to make the most of your realistic contemplation deprived of any necessity for action or major decision making. Mars in Pisces is rather mild, emotional, dreamy, sensitive, sophisticated and all so very lulled into fantasies, Mercury will enforce you to face with, in the light of material, realistic perspective. Bitterness that might result from the Capricornian dry, material, factual comprehension might turn you into passive-agressive rebel against authority of some kind, however deprived of any substantial, decisive action.

The blessings of Jupiter that might bring the catharsis through various means of communication, socializing and partnerships, nevertheless, come in package with all so very prevailing pressure of domineering force of Jupiter- Squared Pluto, the subconscious power of past choices personalized in entanglements with people  that have not been overgrown or successfully incorporated into actual life, that secretly undermine the freedom of choices and overall happiness, thus demanding the resolution that comes through Jupiter Sextile Saturn i.e. through sustainability of character, understanding of karma and ambitious focus of the personality that seeks accomplishment of some „big score“ of life and realization of some long-term goal that actually stands the chance now that Saturn is in perfect Trine with Uranus on 24th December. In the light of this aspect, only by successfully incorporating the “old school“ values with the contemporary lifestyle, now that the world is being challenged to accomplish the balance between traditional establishments and the progressive tendencies of the new world that is setting up the new frame of the game, we are being able to find our place under the sun and move forward towards the prospective outcome.

Jupiter Opposition Uranus on 26th December along with Saturn Square Chiron on 28th December altogether imply to a pressurized tendency of making a breakthrough towards so desired spiritual freedom released from the burden of karmic set of events in your recent history so that even if you do break free and move forward along with the tide of Jupitarian blessings of new social frame, partnerships and contacts, the weight of karma, everybody is being overburdened with, demands the ultimate understanding of cause and effect in your life asking you to seek the point of overturn in your life sometime in the past when things got out of hand and when you have sown the seeds of what now appears to be the pain you have to seek healing from. The feeling of melancholy, bitterness or a slight depression when faced with reality of the soul captured behind the brick walls of induced fear, a set of prejudice or recklessness of the world represents the alarm call for self-improvement, healing and the spiritual purification and uplifting by means of various kinds of contents that relax your mind, purify the energetic field and recharge the Chakras.

The energy of the heart seeks expression through the realms of dreams, creativity and Eros Venus will be endowing you with by means of high emotional capacity and sophisticated vibrations starting from January 3, whereupon Neptune along with Mars might evoke the power of dreams and high sensitivity that indulges in pleasures of various kinds sometime around New Year. In spite of the pain of karma grind You might feel overwhelmed with high pitched aspirations and dreams of absolute love quest that might drive you so high with inspiration and striving that you can feel your dream is still alive as you wish upon the star over the champagne glass, the star shining upon you enough to remember the soul is ever so indestructible. You might feel  „Ain’t no mountain high enough“ for the time being at least in your dream that stands the trial of time being faced with karma filter of your contribution.  Bear in mind that love is the blessing before you turn being judgmental upon your partners now that Jupiter is boosting your appetites for partnership and love. This highest quality of exalted Venus brings forth the potency of love as the time for pleasure and leisure as well as high creative accomplishments and inspiration whereupon the high profile artwork can be made.

The power of Pisces represents the power of Holy Spirit and Faith that dwells in your prayers for the better world for the sake of salvation thus bringing forth the higher vibrations of energy and higher consciousness for all of us who share the desire to save the world from self-destruction. Now is the time to unite in spreading messages of peace and love around the world for the sake of building the New Earth as the better place for all of us. It is the time for forgiveness, higher spiritual comprehension of God’s will that everything happens for a Higher Purpose in order to understand in the end what really matters in your life and that you are here for a reason.  Only after you make affirmation of your life’s purpose you might actually understand the very reason God has put you through all of your experience. Self-improvement is the only way towards understanding, self-realization, happiness and ultimately and better world.

Instead of putting faith in leaders put faith in God for the sake of becoming a better  person, being the unique outcome of karma lesson, the person who exclusively makes a better world by the personal example. It is the time to face oneself for whatever you are actually doing in order to make the contribution to the world and understand the process of cause and effect. Your personal freedom is in your hands. It’s time to Pause and Reflect.


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