Age of Aquarius

Regarding the rotation of the Earth Axis known as the Phenomenon of Precession making the full circle in 25.772 years, the ongoing Age of Pisces is about to clear path and lead us into the Age of Aquarius sometime in 2147 according to the mathematical division into 12 signs of Zodiac relating to the Ecliptic i.e. the path  of the Sun and the clickwise rotation of the Earth’s Axis opposite to Earth’s counterclockwise rotation,  If we stick to precise 30 degree per sign calculation. These are the first signs of the upcoming era now that Pluto os about to start the transit in Aquarius for the next few dacades. We are rapidly moving into the new era whereupon the Age of Pisces should resolutely resolve the issue of Religion, Faith and God’s will as the most powerful force on Earth and Beyond. After we pass the test as a civilization making our way to God. Meanwhile we will trace the Mysterious Ways.


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